TI MCU Contest đã trở lại:
1 - Vì tính chất quốc tế và chuyên nghiệp hoá, năm nay chỉ có bản thông báo bằng tiếng Anh, không có thông báo tiếng Việt, các bản draft (kế hoạch, phác thảo, ý tưởng) và thesis (báo cáo hoàn chỉnh), presentation (thuyết trình tại ngày thi) đều sử dụng tiếng Anh.
2 - Phần điều khoản có các quy định về số trang thesis... và các nội dung quan trọng khác, các bạn chú ý đọc kỹ nhé.
3 - Nội dung cuộc thi có một số thay đổi quan trọng so với các năm trước, ví dụ:
+ chỉ sử dụng MSP430
+ Các nhóm dự thi tự thiết kế hardware
+ Đăng ký thực hiện online với 3 link ứng với 3 khu vực dự thi (Bắc - Trung - Nam).
Nói chung là các bạn chịu khó đọc kỹ các nội dung dưới đây
, ngoài ra, đính kèm là nội dung toàn văn thông báo, thesis format và thesis tham khảo (đọc hướng dẫn trình bày thesis trong file thesis format).
I. Contest Period
Contest will divide into 2 phases: regional level - southern, northern & central and national level final.
1.Regional Level: Mar 2013 – Oct 2013
2.National Level: Nov 2013
II. Contest Content
It is required to use TI MSP430 as the main processor. The students have to design their own hardware platform to implement certain functions.
The part numbers of MSP430 MCU used for the contest are stated as following:
1. MSP430G2553IN20
2. MSP430G2553IPW28R
3. MSP430F5638IPZR
4. MSP430F6736IPZR
5. MSP430FR5739IDAR
6. For special request of other MSP430 part numbers, please contact TI local Field Application Engineer
III. Contest Targets
Qualification: The contest is open to in school Undergraduates. Every team should have 1-3 team members and 1 lecturer as their advisor.
The team members of the winning teams of 2011 and 2012 contest are not allowed to participate in 2013 contest.
Submit Application Form: All teams should submit an application form for the contest, pronouncing their group & design target. The application form is available online and can be found by visiting TI Vietnam support forum: www.diendanTI.com, or can be accessed directly through:
+ for Northern: goo.gl/x7n2k
+ for Central: goo.gl/C9qs7
+ for Southern: goo.gl/K9jSd
IV. Score Criteria
In Regional Elections, the judges will evaluate the project quality by scoring the submitted papers in English (full design files or demo videos can be a strong complementary support). In both rounds, the teams will submit the thesis using provided format which can be downloaded from the websites of participating universities.
Score Criteria for Elections (Total 100):
1. Project Integrity 20
2. Innovation 20
3. Thesis Quality 45
4. TI Analog Engagement 15
In Regional & National Finals, the teams need to give a presentation (Please note that teams must do presentation in English), Q&A and a live demonstration to the judges.
Score Criteria for Finals (Total 100):
1. Project Integrity 15
2. Thesis Quality 15
3. TI Analog Engagement 15
4. Presentation 25
5. Demonstration 30
V. Contest Time Frame
1. Before Apr 15, 2013: Submit Application Form
2. Apr 30, 2013: Announce the accepted registrations
3. Before Sep 10, 2013: Submit thesis for election
4. Sep 17, 2013: Election Winners Announcement
5. Oct 2, 2013: Regional Finals (South, North and Central)
6. Nov 6 , 2013: National Final
VI. Regional Level Awards (Each Region; Following Cash Awards are Pretax)
1. Teams who enter the Regional finals will get a “Completion of the Contest Award” Diploma Only.
2. 1st Class Award: 1, USD800
3. 2nd Class: 1, USD400
4. 3rd Class: 1, USD200
5. “The most promising”: USD100
6. “The best presentation”: USD50
7. Excellence Advisor Awards: The advisors of the 1st place winners in the regional finals will be awarded an amount of US$300.
VII. National Level Awards (Following Cash Awards are Pretax)
1.1st Class Award: 1, USD2000
2.2nd Class: 1, USD1000
3.3rd Class: 1, USD500
4.“The most promising”: USD300
5.“The best presentation”: USD200
VIII. Scholarship
Sunflower Mission’s Engineering & Technology Scholarships for EACH of the members of the top 3 teams of the regional finals that meet the following criteria:
1.The money is to be used only for educational purpose as outlined below and only in the field of Engineering & Technology
2.Students not in the last semester of undergraduate program must provide all grades of the last two completed semesters & proof of under-graduate degree being pursued
3.Students in last semester of their undergraduate study must produce proof that they have been accepted AND will attend master program
4.Students will have to submit a headshot & proof for the two items above by 11/15 to our TI VN team to receive the scholarship by 12/30
IX. Contest Organization
Organizer: Texas Instruments Inc.
· Regional level:
1.Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST – North)
2.Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT - South)
3.Danang University of Technology (DUT – Central
· National level: Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT)
Consultant: Mrs. Duy Loan Le (TI)
Mr. Sunny Lee (TI)
Mr. PHAM Van Tuan (DUT)
Mr. Nguyen Huu Thanh (HUST)
Mr. Do Hong Tuan (HCMUT)
Secretariat: PHAM Xuan Trung (DUT), Nguyen The Nghia (DUT)
Do Hanh (HUST)
Ho Thanh Phuong (HCMUT)
Contest Judges for regional finals:
North Region: 1 professor (HUST), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
Central Region: 1 professor (DUT), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
South Region: 1 professor (HCMUT), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
Contest Judges for national finals: To be announced later.
Please contact below addresses for inquiry if any:
North Region: Mr. Xuan Kien Nguyen (xuankien.nguyen@ti.com)
Central Region: Mr. Thai Hung Le (thaihung.le@ti.com)
South Region: Mr. Quoc Nguyen (q-nguyen@ti.com)
TI reserves the right of interpretation and modification to all Rules & guidance listed above.
Các điều khoản quy định nằm ở post #2. Link download thesis tham khảo, các file còn lại download ở phần đính kèm dưới đây.
1 - Vì tính chất quốc tế và chuyên nghiệp hoá, năm nay chỉ có bản thông báo bằng tiếng Anh, không có thông báo tiếng Việt, các bản draft (kế hoạch, phác thảo, ý tưởng) và thesis (báo cáo hoàn chỉnh), presentation (thuyết trình tại ngày thi) đều sử dụng tiếng Anh.
2 - Phần điều khoản có các quy định về số trang thesis... và các nội dung quan trọng khác, các bạn chú ý đọc kỹ nhé.
3 - Nội dung cuộc thi có một số thay đổi quan trọng so với các năm trước, ví dụ:
+ chỉ sử dụng MSP430
+ Các nhóm dự thi tự thiết kế hardware
+ Đăng ký thực hiện online với 3 link ứng với 3 khu vực dự thi (Bắc - Trung - Nam).
Nói chung là các bạn chịu khó đọc kỹ các nội dung dưới đây

Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge
Vietnam MCU Design Contest 2013
To encourage students’ innovation on MCU system design, Texas Instruments announces the MCU Design Contest for Vietnam Universities for the year 2013.I. Contest Period
Contest will divide into 2 phases: regional level - southern, northern & central and national level final.
1.Regional Level: Mar 2013 – Oct 2013
2.National Level: Nov 2013
II. Contest Content
It is required to use TI MSP430 as the main processor. The students have to design their own hardware platform to implement certain functions.
The part numbers of MSP430 MCU used for the contest are stated as following:
1. MSP430G2553IN20
2. MSP430G2553IPW28R
3. MSP430F5638IPZR
4. MSP430F6736IPZR
5. MSP430FR5739IDAR
6. For special request of other MSP430 part numbers, please contact TI local Field Application Engineer
III. Contest Targets
Qualification: The contest is open to in school Undergraduates. Every team should have 1-3 team members and 1 lecturer as their advisor.
The team members of the winning teams of 2011 and 2012 contest are not allowed to participate in 2013 contest.
Submit Application Form: All teams should submit an application form for the contest, pronouncing their group & design target. The application form is available online and can be found by visiting TI Vietnam support forum: www.diendanTI.com, or can be accessed directly through:
+ for Northern: goo.gl/x7n2k
+ for Central: goo.gl/C9qs7
+ for Southern: goo.gl/K9jSd
IV. Score Criteria
In Regional Elections, the judges will evaluate the project quality by scoring the submitted papers in English (full design files or demo videos can be a strong complementary support). In both rounds, the teams will submit the thesis using provided format which can be downloaded from the websites of participating universities.
Score Criteria for Elections (Total 100):
1. Project Integrity 20
2. Innovation 20
3. Thesis Quality 45
4. TI Analog Engagement 15
In Regional & National Finals, the teams need to give a presentation (Please note that teams must do presentation in English), Q&A and a live demonstration to the judges.
Score Criteria for Finals (Total 100):
1. Project Integrity 15
2. Thesis Quality 15
3. TI Analog Engagement 15
4. Presentation 25
5. Demonstration 30
V. Contest Time Frame
1. Before Apr 15, 2013: Submit Application Form
2. Apr 30, 2013: Announce the accepted registrations
3. Before Sep 10, 2013: Submit thesis for election
4. Sep 17, 2013: Election Winners Announcement
5. Oct 2, 2013: Regional Finals (South, North and Central)
6. Nov 6 , 2013: National Final
VI. Regional Level Awards (Each Region; Following Cash Awards are Pretax)
1. Teams who enter the Regional finals will get a “Completion of the Contest Award” Diploma Only.
2. 1st Class Award: 1, USD800
3. 2nd Class: 1, USD400
4. 3rd Class: 1, USD200
5. “The most promising”: USD100
6. “The best presentation”: USD50
7. Excellence Advisor Awards: The advisors of the 1st place winners in the regional finals will be awarded an amount of US$300.
VII. National Level Awards (Following Cash Awards are Pretax)
1.1st Class Award: 1, USD2000
2.2nd Class: 1, USD1000
3.3rd Class: 1, USD500
4.“The most promising”: USD300
5.“The best presentation”: USD200
VIII. Scholarship
Sunflower Mission’s Engineering & Technology Scholarships for EACH of the members of the top 3 teams of the regional finals that meet the following criteria:
1.The money is to be used only for educational purpose as outlined below and only in the field of Engineering & Technology
2.Students not in the last semester of undergraduate program must provide all grades of the last two completed semesters & proof of under-graduate degree being pursued
3.Students in last semester of their undergraduate study must produce proof that they have been accepted AND will attend master program
4.Students will have to submit a headshot & proof for the two items above by 11/15 to our TI VN team to receive the scholarship by 12/30
IX. Contest Organization
Organizer: Texas Instruments Inc.
· Regional level:
1.Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST – North)
2.Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT - South)
3.Danang University of Technology (DUT – Central
· National level: Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT)
Consultant: Mrs. Duy Loan Le (TI)
Mr. Sunny Lee (TI)
Mr. PHAM Van Tuan (DUT)
Mr. Nguyen Huu Thanh (HUST)
Mr. Do Hong Tuan (HCMUT)
Secretariat: PHAM Xuan Trung (DUT), Nguyen The Nghia (DUT)
Do Hanh (HUST)
Ho Thanh Phuong (HCMUT)
Contest Judges for regional finals:
North Region: 1 professor (HUST), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
Central Region: 1 professor (DUT), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
South Region: 1 professor (HCMUT), 1 engineer from Industry, 1 TI Local FAE.
Contest Judges for national finals: To be announced later.
Please contact below addresses for inquiry if any:
North Region: Mr. Xuan Kien Nguyen (xuankien.nguyen@ti.com)
Central Region: Mr. Thai Hung Le (thaihung.le@ti.com)
South Region: Mr. Quoc Nguyen (q-nguyen@ti.com)
TI reserves the right of interpretation and modification to all Rules & guidance listed above.
Các điều khoản quy định nằm ở post #2. Link download thesis tham khảo, các file còn lại download ở phần đính kèm dưới đây.
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