[RYA 2013] một số ví dụ về SSI của TM4C123H6PM và IC 74HC595


Cố Vấn CLB
Staff member
  • Hiện tại anh em đang hùng hục :1cool_choler:nước rút cho RYA với cơ man là led, vì vậy IC595 là một công cụ vô cùng đắc dụng để hỗ trợ cho ARM M4 điều khiển led. CLB đã có những bài hướng dẫn cụ thể về IC này, mọi người có thể xem qua trong "thớt" sau
  • sau đây là ví dụ đơn giản để M4 giao tiếp với 595 thông qua SSI
    // ssi.h - Prototypes for the Synchronous Serial Interface Driver.
    // Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
    // Software License Agreement
    //          TM4C123GH6PM
    //        ---------------
    //    /|\|            TX|--> pin 14 (data) 595
    //      | |              |
    //      --|RST      Clock|--> pin 11 (clock)
    //        |              |
    //        |            PA3|--> pin 12 (latch)
    // Date: 28/7/2013
    // Author: Payitforward Club _ Cowboyhere
    #include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
    #include "inc/hw_ssi.h"
    #include "inc/hw_types.h"
    #include "driverlib/ssi.h"
    #include "driverlib/gpio.h"
    #include "driverlib/pin_map.h"
    #include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
    #define NUM_SSI_DATA 8
    int main(void)
        unsigned long ulData;// data to send
        // Clock config
        // Pin config
        GPIOPinTypeSSI(GPIO_PORTA_BASE,GPIO_PIN_5|GPIO_PIN_2);// SSI pin tx and clock
        GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3);// latch pin
        //SSI config: Mode 0 (Moto fmt, polarity 0, phase 0), Master out slave in, BitRate, DataWidth
        //Send Data
        ulData = 0xCC;
        SSIDataPut(SSI0_BASE, (unsigned char)ulData);
        while(SSIBusy(SSI0_BASE))// wait here when sending data
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3, 0x00);// latch pin edge up
        GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTA_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3, 0xFF);
  • code chỉ xuất 8 bit rồi dừng, nếu các bạn nối tiếp 595 (chung clock và latch nhé) hoặc muốn xuất thêm data thì chỉnh sửa lại cho phù hợp


Cố Vấn CLB
Staff member
  • 1 ví dụ khác cho SSI theo thư viện Tivaware của TI
    // spi_master.c - Example demonstrating how to configure SSI0 in SPI master
    //                mode.
    // Date: 27/7/2013
    // Author:  Payitforward Club
    // This is part of revision 1.0 of the Tiva Firmware Development Package.
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
    #include "driverlib/gpio.h"
    #include <driverlib/pin_map.h>
    #include "driverlib/ssi.h"
    #include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
    #include "driverlib/uart.h"
    #include "utils/uartstdio.h"
    #include "inc/hw_types.h"
    // Description:
    //! \addtogroup ssi_examples_list
    //! <h1>SPI Master (spi_master)</h1>
    //! This example shows how to configure the SSI0 as SPI Master.  The code will
    //! send three characters on the master Tx then polls the receive FIFO until
    //! 3 characters are received on the master Rx.
    //! This example uses the following peripherals and I/O signals.  You must
    //! review these and change as needed for your own board:
    //! - SSI0 peripheral
    //! - GPIO Port A peripheral (for SSI0 pins)
    //! - SSI0Clk - PA2
    //! - SSI0Fss - PA3
    //! - SSI0Rx  - PA4
    //! - SSI0Tx  - PA5
    //! The following UART signals are configured only for displaying console
    //! messages for this example.  These are not required for operation of SSI0.
    //! - UART0 peripheral
    //! - GPIO Port A peripheral (for UART0 pins)
    //! - UART0RX - PA0
    //! - UART0TX - PA1
    //! This example uses the following interrupt handlers.  To use this example
    //! in your own application you must add these interrupt handlers to your
    //! vector table.
    //! - None.
    // Number of bytes to send and receive.
    #define NUM_SSI_DATA            3
    // This function sets up UART0 to be used for a console to display information
    // as the example is running.
        // Enable GPIO port A which is used for UART0 pins.
        // TODO: change this to whichever GPIO port you are using.
        // Configure the pin muxing for UART0 functions on port A0 and A1.
        // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing.
        // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.
        // Enable UART0 so that we can configure the clock.
        // Use the internal 16MHz oscillator as the UART clock source.
        // Select the alternate (UART) function for these pins.
        // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.
        // Initialize the UART for console I/O.
        UARTStdioConfig(0, 115200, 16000000);
    // Configure SSI0 in master Freescale (SPI) mode.  This example will send out
    // 3 bytes of data, then wait for 3 bytes of data to come in.  This will all be
    // done using the polling method.
        uint32_t pui32DataTx[NUM_SSI_DATA];
        uint32_t pui32DataRx[NUM_SSI_DATA];
        uint32_t ui32Index;
        // Set the clocking to run directly from the external crystal/oscillator.
        // TODO: The SYSCTL_XTAL_ value must be changed to match the value of the
        // crystal on your board.
        // Set up the serial console to use for displaying messages.  This is
        // just for this example program and is not needed for SSI operation.
        // Display the setup on the console.
        UARTprintf("SSI ->\n");
        UARTprintf("  Mode: SPI\n");
        UARTprintf("  Data: 8-bit\n\n");
        // The SSI0 peripheral must be enabled for use.
        // For this example SSI0 is used with PortA[5:2].  The actual port and pins
        // used may be different on your part, consult the data sheet for more
        // information.  GPIO port A needs to be enabled so these pins can be used.
        // TODO: change this to whichever GPIO port you are using.
        // Configure the pin muxing for SSI0 functions on port A2, A3, A4, and A5.
        // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing.
        // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.
        // Configure the GPIO settings for the SSI pins.  This function also gives
        // control of these pins to the SSI hardware.  Consult the data sheet to
        // see which functions are allocated per pin.
        // The pins are assigned as follows:
        //      PA5 - SSI0Tx
        //      PA4 - SSI0Rx
        //      PA3 - SSI0Fss
        //      PA2 - SSI0CLK
        // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using.
        // Configure and enable the SSI port for SPI master mode.  Use SSI0,
        // system clock supply, idle clock level low and active low clock in
        // freescale SPI mode, master mode, 1MHz SSI frequency, and 8-bit data.
        // For SPI mode, you can set the polarity of the SSI clock when the SSI
        // unit is idle.  You can also configure what clock edge you want to
        // capture data on.  Please reference the datasheet for more information on
        // the different SPI modes.
        SSIConfigSetExpClk(SSI0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(), SSI_FRF_MOTO_MODE_0,
                          SSI_MODE_MASTER, 1000000, 8);
        // Enable the SSI0 module.
        // Read any residual data from the SSI port.  This makes sure the receive
        // FIFOs are empty, so we don't read any unwanted junk.  This is done here
        // because the SPI SSI mode is full-duplex, which allows you to send and
        // receive at the same time.  The SSIDataGetNonBlocking function returns
        // "true" when data was returned, and "false" when no data was returned.
        // The "non-blocking" function checks if there is any data in the receive
        // FIFO and does not "hang" if there isn't.
        while(SSIDataGetNonBlocking(SSI0_BASE, &pui32DataRx[0]))
        // Initialize the data to send.
        pui32DataTx[0] = 's';
        pui32DataTx[1] = 'p';
        pui32DataTx[2] = 'i';
        // Display indication that the SSI is transmitting data.
        UARTprintf("Sent:\n  ");
        // Send 3 bytes of data.
        for(ui32Index = 0; ui32Index < NUM_SSI_DATA; ui32Index++)
            // Display the data that SSI is transferring.
            UARTprintf("'%c' ", pui32DataTx[ui32Index]);
            // Send the data using the "blocking" put function.  This function
            // will wait until there is room in the send FIFO before returning.
            // This allows you to assure that all the data you send makes it into
            // the send FIFO.
            SSIDataPut(SSI0_BASE, pui32DataTx[ui32Index]);
        // Wait until SSI0 is done transferring all the data in the transmit FIFO.
        // Display indication that the SSI is receiving data.
        UARTprintf("\nReceived:\n  ");
        // Receive 3 bytes of data.
        for(ui32Index = 0; ui32Index < NUM_SSI_DATA; ui32Index++)
            // Receive the data using the "blocking" Get function. This function
            // will wait until there is data in the receive FIFO before returning.
            SSIDataGet(SSI0_BASE, &pui32DataRx[ui32Index]);
            // Since we are using 8-bit data, mask off the MSB.
            pui32DataRx[ui32Index] &= 0x00FF;
            // Display the data that SSI0 received.
            UARTprintf("'%c' ", pui32DataRx[ui32Index]);
        // Return no errors
  • :1cool_byebye:xin hết, chúc anh em may mắn, sớm show sản phẩm
PS: thím nào ko muốn xài SSI hoặc ko dùng 595 nối tiếp mà dùng GPIO điều khiển 595 thì liên hệ bạn kít sịt hắc cơ (nick kisseshacker) nhé, có điều thím ấy tính "phí " hơi cao :2cool_sexy_girl:
(ngôn ngữ hơi chợ búa, mọi người đừng ném đá, tks:-s)


Chủ tịch Hội phụ nữ PIF
:)) Chú ấy quá nổi... ai cần liên hệ mình cho bản leak :v..
P/S: bản leak nên sẽ không đảm bảo chất lượng HD cũng như còn thô sơ chưa qua hiệu ứng :gach


Thành Viên PIF
cho e hỏi tí anh cowboy! em build code nó chỉ lỗi undefined đúng 2 dòng này là sao! :((